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Name: The Life And Death Of Mikie DineenSubtitle:Author: Lane, JackEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2002ISBN:Contents:Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: £5.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Life And Poems Of Thomas MooreSubtitle:Author: Clifford, BrendanEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 1993ISBN: 0 85034 032 2Contents: Thomas Moore, who wrote "The Minstrel Boy", "The Last Rose of Summer", etc., etc., is a name without associations in present day Ireland. The songs are familiar but the man is unknown. One expects to find him an inoffensive, pious, sentimental, uninteresting person, with a knack for putting words to tunes. The truth is surprising. The first Catholic admitted to Trinity College, the close friend of Robert Emmet, contributor to the United Irish newspaper, he achieved literary fame in England without sacrifice of integrity. He achieved fame through the "Melodies", notoriety through his erotic verse, and English literary immortality through his association with and biography of Byron. The "Edinburgh Review" denounced him as a menace to the moral fibre of Britain. At the height of his English fame he wrote a defence of agrarian terrorism in Ireland. He was the first modern Irish historian - and remains one of the best, though his writings are now unknown. He opposed the resurgence of intolerant Catholicism and refused to endorse O'Connell's Catholic nationalism. His nation was that envisaged by the United Irishmen. He had no time for O'Connell's nation - and O'Connell's nation has had no time for him. But the direction of development in Ireland has changed recently. And there is no major literary figure of the past who is so much in tune with the new spirit as Moore. This volume consists of a biography and a cross-section of the poems: patriotic, sentimental, erotic, philosophical - and readable. 2nd edition with 2 new appendices. 96 pp.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: £8.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Men I KilledSubtitle:Author: Crozier, General F.P.Editor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2002ISBN: 0 58034 085 3Contents: What made Brigadier General Frank Crozier from training the Ulster Volunteer Force in 1912-1914 and comanding the Black and Tan Irish 'policing' operation in 1920-1921 to a pugnacious pacifism in the 1920s and 1930s? That is a question not asked very often in these days of cultivated 'revisionist' amnesia. Coming from an Anglo-Irish military tradition, Crozier fought for King and Empire in the Boer War, in Africa, in Ulster, and in France during the Great War. He was knocked out of his groove?not because he was a sensitive soul, but because his Black and Tans were killing, looting, and generally terrorising Ireland with the approval of his political masters, who thwarted his attempts to discipline the forces under his command. These policies culminated in the burning down of the centre of Cork City (including the Carnegie Library) and an attempt to shift the blame for this atrocity onto the IRA. Crozier was appalled. He saw that this was not the way to hold Ireland but the way to lose it. He resigned his command in protest and sacrificed his military pension. In 1932 when the conflict over De Valera's repudiation of the 1921 Treaty began, he published an account of the Black and Tan war, hoping to improve Britain's conduct by reminding it of its misconduct, and thus to salvage something of the Irish-British connection. In the 1930s he was active in the Peace Pledge Union in Britain, along with people like George Lansbury, the Labour leader, and the Rev. Dick Sheppard. He understood the talk about "defence" to be preparation for another Great War, which he thought would be a disaster. Britain was still 'the' Great Power in those days and he urged it to use its power in another way. And perhaps his views have again become relevant in the present condition of the world. A feature of Crozier's pugnacious pacifism was his very readable autobiographical description of the brutal methods by which wars are won. The book contains selections from four of his books: "Impressions And Recollections", "A Brass Hat In No Man's Land", "Ireland For Ever", and "The Men I Killed".Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: £11.50Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Moral Collapse Of The British Liberal Party Press In 1914Subtitle:Author:Editor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: GeneralPublisher: Athol BooksPublished:ISBN:Contents: Problems of Capitalism & Socialism, No. 58Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: £1.50Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Moral Collapse Of The British Liberal Party Press in August 1914Subtitle: With an Introduction by Brendan CliffordAuthor:Editor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: GeneralPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2018ISBN: 978-0-85034-137-9Contents: Articles from Manchester Guardian July 30th 1914 to October 1914 Articles from Daily News July 27th 1914 to September 21st 1914Extracts:Errata:Price: £5.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Nation: Volume OneSubtitle: Selections 1842-1844Author:Editor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2000ISBN: 1 903497 02 7Contents: Contents include Young Ieland, Daniel O'Connell, Monster Meetings, State Trials, A New Culture. Introduction by Brendan Clifford. 152.pp IndexExtracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: £12.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The O'Neill YearsSubtitle: Unionist Politics, 1963-1969Author: Gordon, DavidEditor:Category: Northern Ireland CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 1989ISBN: 0 85034 039 XContents: Terence O'Neill's tenure as Prime Minister of Northern Ireland witnessed the first major split in the history of Ulster Unionism, and the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. Despite the importance of this crucial period, David Gordon's pioneering analysis is the first comprehensive examination of O'Neillism and its legacy. The O'Neill Years covers the period from 1963, when Terence O'Neill replaced Lord Brookeborough as Northern Ireland Premier, and ends with O'Neill's resignation just a few months before the arrival of troops on the streets of Belfast in August 1969. David Gordon reassesses O'Neill's role in Unionist politics in the 1960s, and concludes that Captain O'Neill's leadership was primarily responsible for the disintegration of Ulster Unionism at the end of the decade. David Gordon's seminal work presents a major challenge to traditional interpretations of modern Irish history and politics. 168 pp.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: £11.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Origin And Development Of The Parish Of MillstreetSubtitle:Author: Tucker, Fr. SeanEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2008ISBN: 9781 9034976 44 9Contents: In this booklet, Fr. SeĂ¡n Tucker traces the history of Millstreet Parish across nearly a thousand years. It is the first such record of the Parish. It is based on detailed analyses of church records using many primary sources and is the result of a long-term interest in the area by Father Tucker - truly a labour of love.
Extracts: No online extracts at present.Errata: No online errata at present.Price: £8.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Origin of Irish Catholic-NationalismSubtitle:Author: Clifford, BrendanEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 1992ISBN: 0 85034 053 5Contents: Modern nationalist Ireland—Catholic-nationalist Ireland—has its imaginative source in Walter Cox's "Irish Magazine". Before Cox it was inconceivable. After Cox it was inevitable. Walter Cox was the most daring, innovative and realistic spirit among the Dublin United Irish leaders during the years leading up to the Rebellion. After a period in exile, he returned to Dublin to keep alive the memory of the United Irishmen with his Magazine. And by an act of genius he combined elements not previously found together—Catholicism, Republicanism, nationalism and social radicalism—and made the combination live in the minds of the people of Dublin in the first instance. And gradually that combination took root in all those parts of Ireland which had been Gaelic or Catholic. Cox is the sole point of substantial continuity between the United Irishmen and the Irish nationalist movement of the 19th and 20th centuries. Yet he has been deleted from history by the historians of tis nationalist movement which claims to have originated in the United Irishmen. He has been remembered into the 20th century only as a Dublin folk-hero. Cox has been marginalised because propagandist historians have preferred to put a gloss of liberalism on Catholic-nationalism, even though, at every critical juncture since 1808, development has been determined by Catholic-nationalism. In this selection from the eight years of the Magazine, the reader can see the mind of a new nation being formed in the post-Union vacuum in which the Ascendancy, having lost its Parliamentary power-base through the Act of Union, continues to aggravate the people, though it can no longer suppress them. Brendan Clifford argues that Daniel O'Connell was only the demagogue of the national movement conceived and launched by Cox. This clarification of the origins of Catholic-nationalism appears at an opportune moment, that movement being in severe crisis and possibly approaching the end of its natural life. 136 pp. Illustrated. Index.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: £11.50Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Origins & Organisation of British Propaganda in Ireland, 1920Subtitle:Author: Murphy, Dr. Brian P (osb)Editor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2006ISBN: 1 903497 24 8Contents: On 22 May 1920, the Irish Statesman, the journal associated with Sir Horace Plunkett and George Russell, declared that "…this is a time for plain speaking and we shall speak plainly. The propaganda supplied to the British Press from Dublin Castle is a propaganda of lies. The version of the state of Ireland based upon this propaganda which the Coalition's kept Press serves up to the British people is lies."
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