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Name: The Great War And The Forced Migration Of Armenians


Author: Cicek, Kemal


Category: General

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2011

ISBN: 978-085034-123-2

Contents: "The study of the history of the Turks and Armenians in World War I has suffered from an excess of unsupported assertion. The Great War and The Forced Migration of Armenians corrects the record with research that considers all sides of the issue and, more important, bases its conclusions on facts rather than ideology.

"Kemal Çiçek carefully analyzes the various claims that have until now been largely accepted without proper scholarly scrutiny. Utilizing Ottoman, European, and American sources, he shows what actually happened during the relocation of the Ottoman Armenians.

"The Great War and The Forced Migration of Armenians will become a cornerstone of the history of the Turks and Armenians in World War I. In the future, anyone who studies that history with an open mind will not be able to ignore Çiçek's detailed and convincing analysis."

Justin McCarthy
Professor of History
University of Louisville

Extracts: No online extracts available.

Errata: No online errata available

Price: £20.00

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Name: The Great War And The Forced Migration Of Armenians


Author: Cicek, Kemal


Category: General

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2011

ISBN: 978-085034-123-2

Contents: "The study of the history of the Turks and Armenians in World War I has suffered from an excess of unsupported assertion. The Great War and The Forced Migration of Armenians corrects the record with research that considers all sides of the issue and, more important, bases its conclusions on facts rather than ideology.

"Kemal Çiçek carefully analyzes the various claims that have until now been largely accepted without proper scholarly scrutiny. Utilizing Ottoman, European, and American sources, he shows what actually happened during the relocation of the Ottoman Armenians.

"The Great War and The Forced Migration of Armenians will become a cornerstone of the history of the Turks and Armenians in World War I. In the future, anyone who studies that history with an open mind will not be able to ignore Çiçek's detailed and convincing analysis."

Justin McCarthy
Professor of History
University of Louisville

Extracts: No online extracts available.

Errata: No online errata available

Price: £20.00

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Name: The Heidegger Review (PDF)



Editor: John Minahane

Category: Periodicals

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2014

ISBN: ISSN 2055-7779

Contents: Please note: no postal charges will be taken for this item. First issue: July 2014.



Price: £3.00

Postage Option: Price is per issue; there are no postal charges.

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Name: The Heidegger Review 2, PDF

Subtitle: electronic version

Author: Minahane, John

Editor: Minahane, John

Category: Periodicals

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2015

ISBN: 978-0-85034-131-7

Contents: - On the Poet-Philosophers of Greece –a Few Notes. Editorial .......... - Se‡n O’Faolain and the Poets John Minahane .......... - Michael Tierney and others, versus Se‡n O’Faol‡in: the Dispute in Studies, September 1938 .......... - Panta Rhei (continued) Niall Cusack .......... - Adventures with Nietzsche (Part 2) Brendan Clifford .......... - Heidegger, the Spiegel and the SS: a very German Civil War Philip O’Connor - On Orthodoxy Peter Brooke .......... - Simone Weil’s Rejection Of The Enlightenment Cathy Winch .......... - Selections from the Philosophical Notebooks, 1931-1932 Martin Heidegger

Extracts: 84pp A4


Price: £3.00

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Name: The Heidegger Review 3

Subtitle: Issue 3


Editor: John Minahane

Category: Periodicals


Published: 2016

ISBN: 978-0-85034-133-1

Contents: Editorial (One): Some WW1 Philosophers and Poets Editorial (Two): Overlooking Chamberlain. Donatella di Cesare On German Philosophy and Nazism Absolute Beginner: review of "Martin Heidegger - The Philosophy of Another Beginning" by Alexander Dugin (Peter Brooke). Arthur Balfour, England's Philosopher-King. (Brendan Clifford) War and Progress (Pat Walsh) "Towards a Criticism of the Age (1912). Thoughts on Progress" by Walther Rathenau. The Early Poetry of WW1 (John Minahane).



Price: £8.00

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Name: The Hidden History Of John Redmond

Subtitle: Cover-up or Incompetence?

Author: Muldowney, Pat



Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2018

ISBN: 978-0-85034-138-6

Contents: Redmondism is a persistent element throughout Irish politics. The picture presented to us is of a thorough-going democrat, a man of peace, almost like Gandhi. Gandhi supported Britain's Great War, didn't he? But there is a great big black hole in the centre of this picture. The elephant in the room is the violence used by Redmond to capture and hold his leading position in Irish politics. The articles reproduced in this pamphlet describe Redmondite mob violence against political opponents, starting with Michael Davitt in 1892.

Extracts: There are no extracts at this time.

Errata: There are no errata at this time

Price: £5.00

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Name: The Irish Civil War

Subtitle: The Conflict That Formed The State

Author: Clifford, Brendan


Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 1993

ISBN: 0 9521081 00 0

Contents: A Speech Given At The Duhallow Heritage Centre On 22nd. April, 1992.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £5.00

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Name: The Irish Press

Subtitle: Fianna Fáil and the decline of the Free State

Author: Clifford, Brendan


Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 2007

ISBN: 978 1 903497 33 3

Contents: The opponents of the Treaty were utterly defeated in 1923 by the forces of the pro-Treaty party. Yet, within four years, the defeated party was equal in electoral support to the pro-Treaty party and formed the Government of the State five years later.

Effectively, it has remained in power ever since with interludes of coalition governments formed around the pro-Treaty party which has never since won an election in its own right.

This is a phenomenon that needs explaining. It appears to be taken for granted by most historians as if it was all in some way inevitable, even though nothing is inevitable in politics.

This book sets out to explain the crucial elements in the story that saw the formation and emergence of Fianna Fáil and how it first established itself as the major party of the state.

It also looks at the significance of the newspaper it founded, The Irish Press, and its unique contribution to Irish political and social development.

Extracts: No extracts available online at present.

Errata: No errata online at present.

Price: £12.00

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Name: The Irish Times: Past And Present


Author: Martin, John


Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Belfast Historical & Educational Society

Published: 2008

ISBN: 978-1-872078-13-7

Contents: …a very fine journalist, an excellent man, but on Northern questions a renegade or white nigger".

Those were the words, from a conversation with the British Ambassador to Ireland, at a lunch meeting in 1969, which he duly reported without delay to his masters at the British Foreign Office. But who said them and to whom did they refer?

According to the British Ambassador, it was Major McDowell, the Chief Executive and a Director of The Irish Times who made those comments about Douglas Gageby, the most successful Editor in the history of that newspaper.

This conversation between the British Ambassador and Major McDowell forms the starting point of this book, which is a history of The Irish Times from 1859 to the present day.

A history of The Irish Times cannot avoid also being a history of the Anglo-Irish and their responsse to a number of developments: the rise of Irish nationalism in the nineteenth century; the Treaty; and the consolidation of the Republic in the 26 counties.

100 years after its foundation The Irish Times had reconciled itself to the new Irish State. It appeared that its Anglo-centric view of the Irish nation was moribund. And its new Editor, Douglas Gageby, was intent on rescuing the paper from oblivion by bringing it into the mainstream.

But then war broke out in Northern Ireland in 1969 and all bets were off. A crisis was precipated in Irish nationalism and The Irish Times found a new role for itself, which was not much different from its traditional one. Gageby was ousted, though returning for a time to rescue the paper again from the consequences of its political agenda.

The author lays bare the power structure of the newspaper which insists on transparency and openness for all other institutions in Irish life, but draws a discreet veil over its own activities. The Directors of the paper, along with the Editor, have to swear an Oath of Secrecy before a Commissioner for Oaths each year.

This book is essential for understanding one of the most important institutions in Irish life, and, therefore, the dynamics of Irish society itself.

Extracts: No extra online material at present.

Errata: No online errata at present.

Price: £17.50

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Name: The Labour Opposition Of Northern Ireland



Editor: Keenan, Joe

Category: Northern Ireland Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 1991

ISBN: 0 85034 054 3

Contents: The 17 issues of "The Labour Opposition of Northern Ireland", reproduced here for the first time, originally appeared between March 1925 and June 1926. Published by the North Belfast Branch of the Independent Labour Party, it sought to define the terms of engagement for conflict between the newly-formed Northern Ireland Labour Party and the Unionist Government of the newly created state of Northern Ireland. The range of issues covered is vast?unemployment and the operation of the Poor Law, Women's Rights, municipal affairs, the state of industry and agriculture, the need for nationalisation, parliamentary and council reports, the proceeding organisation and affairs of the NILP, and much more; all the theory and practice of Socialism is here. And all said, as the editor, Hugh Gemmell, insisted it should be, with a kick! Every significant name in the history of the Belfast Labour Movement in the first half of the century is to be found arguing and declaiming in these pages: Harry Midgley, Sam Kyle, Ida Boyd, Bob M'Clung, Tommy Geehan, the inimitable "Slumdom Jack" McMullan, and many others. Joe Keenan's introduction sets The Labour Opposition in the context of its inevitable failure. Having been generated as part of the British Labour movement, and having contemplated the prospect of functioning in Home Rule Ireland, it suddenly found itself within the novel Constitutional and political entity called "Northern Ireland"—an unanticipated form of state, without tradition to sustain it or clear perspective to guide it. The Labour Opposition displayed great vigour and spirit in its efforts to cope with this new confusion of circumstances. But, in the end, circumstances got the better of it. Circumstances have changed a little. And some of us may feel we are a bit wiser than they were. But what those socialists who produced The Labour Opposition had in abundance—the vigour, the spirit, the belief in socialist possibility—is sadly lacking in the smarter but more cynical attitude of the present day. The Labour Opposition of the twenties failed in the most glorious spirit. It failed with a kick, and this record of its failing remains to kick-start the Labour Opposition of today. 212 pp. Illustrated. Index.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £15.00

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