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Name: The Great Fraud Of 1914-18Subtitle:Author: Walsh, PatEditor:Category: GeneralPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2014ISBN: ISBN 978-0-85034-12Contents: The Great War of 1914 was Britain's Great War. But it should also be called Britain's Great Fraud on Ireland and the world. When Britain encouraged and then entered the European war that was taking shape in August 1914 it made it into a Great War. It was Great Britain that put the Great in the Great War. That is to say that without Great Britain's participation in it there would have been no Great War. In entering the European war Britain stated its aims in grand universal terms that were idealistic in the extreme. These aims were not only idealistic and unachievable but they were fraudulent. The objective of the Great Fraud was to show to the world that Britain was fighting a good war against an evil that had to be vanquished. The war was proclaimed as being for "civilisation against the Barbarian", for "democracy" against "Prussianism". And it was also supposedly a "war for small nations" for "poor little Belgium" or for "gallant Servia" and for a host of other long forgotten things. But what it came down to was a pulverising of Germany and the taking of its trade and markets in what was a traditional Balance of Power war catastrophically invested with a great moral mission. The Fraud that was perpetrated on Ireland and the world, concerning the character of the war Britain proclaimed itself to be fighting, was produced in order to convince any doubters, at home and abroad, about the rightfulness of it. These reasons were also later useful in enlisting the cannon fodder necessary to see the job through. And when Britain's Great War did not prove great enough to achieve its objectives and the United States had to be procured as an ally to complete the job the Great Fraud was both perpetuated and enhanced. A massive propaganda effort was launched that not only coloured the settlement of the war to the detriment of Europe and beyond but also created the myths that mystify understanding of it to this day. And so vast armies were recruited for the waging of the war and millions of people were killed in it, including tens of thousands of Irishmen who enlisted in the British Army to fight, inspired by the professed ideals of establishing 'Democracy' and the 'Rights of Small Nations' universally, and especially in Ireland. Britain's Great War and the Home Rulers decision to take part in it had momentous consequences for Ireland. Out of it came the fall of the Home Rule Party and of 'Imperial Ireland' as a result of Britain failing to win the quick victory that was expected. As well, in revulsion against the murderous British swindle, there came the rise of the Irish democracy and the Irish Republic.Extracts: Part 1. Delenda est Germania The island nation The Problem of Germany Socialized Germany The commercial war Keeping British supremacy The making of a Great War England's Strategic Reorientation Britain and France Britain and Russia The Command of the Seas Britain's continental army Encirclement of Germany The Disarming of Dissent Gallant Serbia Constantinople to Baghdad. Part 2. The War on Germany The issue of Belgium Edward Grey's speech Belgium and the collapse of war opposition "Poor Little Belgium" War propaganda The Redmondite Fraud "Prussianism" The Great Moral War Redmond's War The Italian job The blockade of Germany The starvation blockade The submarine response The fall of The Liberal Government Conscription Pope Benedict's Peace effort Ireland in 1916 Part 3. The War on the Ottoman Empire The War on the Baghdad Railway Britain and the Young Turks Britain’s war on the Ottoman Empire The Gallipoli crusade Demise of Serbia The British and neutral Greece The destruction of the Ottoman Empire The Armenian tragedy Britain and Zionism Christian Fundamentalism and the Great War Anti-Semitic Zionism Triple-cross of the Arabs Britain and Iraq Part 4. The endgame and after Benedict’s Peace Note The Peace of No Peace The Fourteen Points and the Armistice The Siege of Europe Germany besieged The Official History Producing ‘The Huns of 1940’ The Famine lever Treaty of Versailles Across the Blockade Britain and the League Ireland and the war for small nations The problem of ‘self-determination’ The Northern CatholicsErrata: There are no errata at this time.Price: 9.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The 'Boys' of the Millstreet Battalion AreaSubtitle:Author:Editor: Lane, JackCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2003ISBN: 1 903497 124Contents: Some personal accounts of the War of Independence by veterans of the Battalion. 63 pp.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 8.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The 'Cork Free Press' In The Context of The Parnell SplitSubtitle: The Restructuring of Ireland, 1890-1910Author: Clifford, BrendanEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 1998ISBN: 0 9521081 06 10Contents: Aftermath of the Irish Big Bang: Redmondism; Fenians; Clericalism; The Land War; Russellites; Land & Labour League, and All-For-Ireland League?an Irish pluralist political development originating in County Cork. 168pp. Index.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 12.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Administration Of Ireland, 1920Subtitle:Author: Street, Major C. J. C.Editor: Walsh, PatCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2001ISBN: 0 85034 089 6Contents: In 1920 it must have been inconceivable to British governing circles, and British public opinion in general, that Britain could 'lose' Ireland. Large additions had recently been made to the Empire by victory in the Great War. Imperial glory was at its height. And the possibility that the Empire should begin to unravel so close to home was not to be entertained. And so, when England's oldest colony—the other green and pleasant land which had so often been conquered and so often been declared to be irrevocably British?voted to be independent in the 1918 General Election, the British Parliament and Government decided to take no notice of the vote. Major Street was part of the mighty military machine that had just won the greatest war in history and that was now deployed in support of the British Administration of Ireland against the will of the Irish electorate. He had specialised in Intelligence and Propaganda in the World War, and he was now deputed to provide propaganda legitimacy for the Black-and-Tan War. The book he produced is of interest as a coherent statement of the British case, published while the British Government still had the expectation of winning that war. And it has the further interest that Major Street had privileged access to the secret files of the Dublin Castle administration and made informative use of them. The book is thus both itself a historical document and a source of documents not generally available. It is of course written with propaganda 'spin', which the reader will allow for as he sees fit. The "Administration Of Ireland, 1920" is reproduced in full, along with the original Index. But we have not reproduced the green cover embossed with crowned harp in which it first appeared. This is followed by a substantial extract from "Ireland in 1921"—a disillusioned book published in 1922, when Britain had given up the attempt to maintain direct control of Ireland, had negotiated with the 'murderers' as statesmen, and was attempting to keep Ireland within the indirectly-held Empire, the "Commonwealth", as had been done with the South African Boers. Major Street, the intelligent and purposeful Imperialist, let his pain at this "compromising" turn of events be felt. That was at a time when therre was in England an incipient fascist movement, determined to maintain the glory of Empire against the "hidden hand" which was manipulating the "dark forces" of dissolution. A review of Major Street's other books is provided by Brendan Clifford, showing that muc that British propaganda of later times attributed to German Militarism or Fascism was to be found much closer to home. An introduction to the "British Administration Of Ireland, 1920" is provided by Dr. Pat Walsh, author of "Republicanism And Socialism" and "From Civil Rights To National War". 192 pp. (9.5" x 6") Bibliography. Index.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 15.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Armenian Insurrection And The Great WarSubtitle: Including two pamphlets by and "Armen Garo"Author: Walsh, PatEditor:Category:Publisher: Belfast Historical & Educational SocietyPublished: 2015ISBN: 978-1-872078-23-6Contents: The Great Calamity that engulfed the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire in 1915 has been narrowed down to a single question: Was the Young Turk Government in Istanbul guilty of Genocide? But the tragedy of the deaths of great numbers of Armenians, Turks and Kurds is inexplicable if confined solely to this. And it obscures important historical questions around the issues of instigation and betrayal that should be raised around these events. So a context is required to explain what really happened to produce such a disaster. That context is the Great War and the Armenian Insurrection. The Armenian Insurrection is described by a leading figure in it, the Dashnak revolutionary Dr. Pasdermadjian (Armen Garo), in writings long since forgotten. These put a very different complexion on the events of 1915. They describe a great moment of decision when the very existence of a people was gambled in the struggle for a Great Armenia, carved out of Ottoman territories in which the Armenians constituted a small minority. His two pamphlets reprinted here reveal that the 1914 Ottoman offer of an autonomous Armenian State was rejected by Armenians when what they thought was a better offer came from America, Britain and France. The price was that they fight the Ottomans. They gambled and lost, bringing disaster on the Armenian people. Also included is a commentary by Pat Walsh on the origin and development of 'the Armenian Question' and its culmination and final resolution in the catastrophic events in Anatolia brought about by the Great War. This reveals the instrumental part played by the Liberal Anglosphere in foisting dangerous notions of historic destiny on the Armenians and then a fraudulent war that encouraged them to destruction. When remembering the Armenian Great Calamity what should be sought is not only the truth, but the whole truth.Extracts: No extracts at this time ERRATA Page 81 paragraph 2 "influence" should read "auspices". Page 81 paragraph 3 "God" should read "Christ" (twice). Page 81 paragraph 4 "Arafat" should read "Ararat" (twice). Page 102 paragraph 6 "Nicholas" should read "Alexander"Errata:Price: 15.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Arms Conspiracy TrialSubtitle: Ireland, 1970: The Prosecution Of Charles Haughey, Captain Kelly and OthersAuthor: Clifford, AngelaEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2009ISBN: 1 874157 20 2Contents: The Arms Trial is the central point of the Arms Crisis of 1969-70—an event in Irish political life provoked by British misgovernment in Northern Ireland.
Extracts: No online extracts at this time.Errata: No online errata at this time.Price: 35.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Arms Crisis: What Was It About?Subtitle:Author: Clifford, AngelaEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2009ISBN: 978-1-874158-22-6Contents:Extracts: No online extracts at this time.Errata: No online errata at this time.Price: 5.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Bard (OUT OF PRINT)Subtitle: Seán Riobaird O SúilleabháinAuthor: Keane, BarryEditor:Category: Irish HistoryPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2012ISBN: 978-1-903497-73-9Contents: John Robert O Sullivan made Millstreet famous during the Land War. His fight with the landlords and land agents led to intense repression in Millstreet between 1881 and 1891. At one stage the small town of Millstreet had more than 80 armed police to enforce the law. This book tells the story of his life, the main events of the Land War at that time, and his eventual conviction in 1891 at a show trial in Nenagh before 'a hanging orange judge with a packed jury'. He received 24 years hard labour, leaving a wife and six small children behind. This is also the story of their struggle to survive in the face of impossible odds.
Extracts: No online extracts available at this timeErrata: No online errata available at this timePrice: 0.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Battle Of CrossbarrySubtitle:Author: Neeson, EoinEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2008ISBN: 978-1-903497-40-1Contents: The action at Crossbarry in West Cork in March 1921 was, from the Irish point of view, the most successful of all the battles of the War of Independence.
Extracts: There is no extra online material available at present.Errata: There is no errata at present.Price: 8.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Battles Of Knocknanoss And KnockbrackSubtitle:Author: Clifford, BrendanEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished:ISBN:Contents: The story of two battles involving the Confederation of Kilkenny in the 17th century English Civil War.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 5.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The British Legion And HitlerSubtitle: Lest We ForgetAuthor: Dyas, EamonEditor:Category: GeneralPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2005ISBN: 0 85034 113 2Contents: This pamphlet, which is not intended as an insult to the decent people who are members of the British Legion, is dedicated to the millions of decent human beings who perished on all sides during the First World War. It simply gives the history of the British Legion which shows it to have been a product of political duplicity on the part of the Establishment.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 5.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Burning Of CorkSubtitle: An Eyewitness AccountAuthor: Ellis, Alan J.Editor: Lane, JackCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2004ISBN: 1 903497 16 7Contents: Along with the eyewitness account of the burning of Cork by the Black & Tans are reminiscences by members of the Gloucester Regiment of their experiences in Kiskeam during the War of Independence. Also, some more miscellaneous items on Millstreet Town.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 8.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Casement Diary DogmatistsSubtitle:Author:Editor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Belfast Historical & Educational SocietyPublished: 2004ISBN: 1 874157 09 XContents:Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 6.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Catholic Bulletin and Republican IrelandSubtitle: with special relevance to J. J. O'Kelly ('Sceilg')Author: Murphy, Dr. Brian P (osb)Editor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2005ISBN: 0 85034 108 6Contents: This book analyses the development of different strands in the Irish national and cultural movements of the early years of the 20th century. From extensive and meticulous research Dr. Murphy provides new insights on the relationship between these tendencies and their evolution. He sets the record straight and challenges assumptions made by a number of the early revisionist historians. He focuses on the role of a key, but underrated, figure in that movement - J. J. O'Kelly, known as 'Sceilg' - and in particular on his role as editor of The Catholic Bulletin in the crucial post-1916 period. O'Kelly was also President of the Gaelic League (1919-22) and Acting Chairman of Dáil Éireann (1919-21). For its trenchant and well-argued justification of the Rising and the case it made for Independence to people at home and abroad the Bulletin was once described as "Ireland's heavy artillery". That seems a most apt description of it.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 20.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Catholic Bulletin: The Politics Of Pre-War Europe, An Irish ViewSubtitle:Author:Editor: Walsh, PatCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2004ISBN: 874157 06 5Contents:Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 5.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Catholic Predicament In Northern IrelandSubtitle: Volume One: Catastrophe. 1914-1968Author: Walsh, PatEditor:Category: Northern Ireland CollectionPublisher: Belfast Historical & Educational SocietyPublished: 2014ISBN: 978-1-872078-20-5Contents: 'Catastrophe' is the first volume of a two part study of the Catholic Political Predicament in 'Northern Ireland'. It traces the predicament that the Nationalists of the Six Counties faced after suffering the disaster in 1920-1 of being forced to endure life in the perverse political entity that became known as 'Northern Ireland'. That devious construction of the Westminster Parliament was made for Imperial purposes, to serve as a political instrument that had nothing to do with the 'Better Government of Ireland' or its people. Before 'Northern Ireland' was called into existence, Joe Devlin and his community looked forward to a future in a self-governing Ireland within the Empire, as promised by the British Liberal Government. But that future was aborted—despite the great sacrifice made by the Northern Catholics in Britain's Great War for 'small nations' and 'self-determination'—after Unionism brought force into politics and won for its supporters in Ulster a territory under a pseudo-state, disconnected from the State within which Devlin had been a rising force. That pseudo-state, with its simulacrum Parliament, represented a false-front for the British State that remained in Ireland after the Irish democracy had asserted itself between 1918 and 1921. It involved the large Catholic minority playing the part of a permanently subdued community, policed by the majority community that had prevented it from achieving its historic destiny. And even Michael Collins could not save it from this awful nightmare. The Northern Catholics not only suffered Partition in 1920-1, being cut off from the rest of the Irish Nation, which entered a new phase of development without them, but they were also separated from the UK state and its functional political structures. They were, therefore, trapped in a political limbo between states, with no means of escape. And, as this book shows, their escape attempts were barred not only by the British State that had consigned them to this political quarantine but also by their brethren in the Irish State and its major party, Fianna Fail. This was an impossible predicament within a deeply dysfunctional arrangement that was bound to end in tears for all concerned. And indeed it did, in August 1969, after the Nationalists had engaged in the Sean Lemass fantasy that they could improve their position by playing "Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition" in Stormont.Extracts: There are no extracts at this time.Errata: There are no errata at this time.Price: 20.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Catholic Predicament In Northern IrelandSubtitle: Volume Two: Resurgence. 1969-2016Author: Walsh, PatEditor:Category: Northern Ireland CollectionPublisher: Belfast Historical & Educational SocietyPublished: 2016ISBN: 978-1-872078-26-7Contents: In August 1969 came a pivotal event in the collective experience of the Catholics of the North after the Unionist Pogrom of that month set off a defensive Insurrection. Things could never be the same again. And they weren't. The Catholic community, let down in its hour of need by both the British Labour Government of the State and Jack Lynch's Government in Dublin, for the first time fell back on its own resources. In the vital hour it produced something from itself that transformed its situation, turning its position from one of subordination to that of equality. The Insurrection turned into a 28 Year War that set out to solve, once and for all, the political predicament that the Catholic community of the North had been sealed into back in 1920-1 by Westminster. That was when Britain set up the perverse political construct known as 'Northern Ireland' that generated an eternal conflict between its two communities, in which ’the minority' always came off worst. Volume One in this series, aptly titled Catastrophe, gives an account of what happened between 1914 and 1968, The present volume tells the rest of the story, putting military and political developments in context. Resurgence explains why the primary responsibility for that conflict lies with the architects and operators of the system that gave the minority community a stark choice only between permanent second-class status or war. And it describes how that War was ended to the advantage of the community, though short of its final objective, in such an effective way that momentum was carried from war to politics. It is the story of how the Catastrophe of 1920-5 was transformed by the Resurgence of August 1969 so that the map of Ireland can be unfolded again.Extracts: There are no extracts at this time.Errata: There are no errata at this time.Price: 25.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within Britain and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Causes Of The Rebellion In IrelandSubtitle: And Other WritingsAuthor: Birch, LedlieEditor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: United Ireland CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 1991ISBN: 0 85034 046 2Contents: "The Causes Of The Rebellion In Ireland" was written in the late summer of 1798. The author, Thomas Ledlie Birch, Presbyterian minister at Saintfield, Co. Down, for twenty years, was tried by Courtmartial in June 1798 on a charge of having taken part in the Rebellion. Because of his able defence, his sentence was the mild one of exile to America. "The Causes Of The Rebellion" was written either en route to America or immediately on landing there. It was first published in America, and was immediately reprinted in London. It was one of a kind—a book by a leading light of the United Irish movement, written soon after he had escaped hanging, at a moment when the Rebellion had not yet been quite suppressed and a political settlement through an abolition of the Ascendancy Parliament had not yet been proposed. It reviews the political history of Ireland since the achievement of legislative independence by the Ascendancy Parliament in 1782. And it concludes that the probable outcome of the events of 1798 would be a military despotism. Brendan Clifford, in his introduction, argues that only the Act of Union warded off a government of military despotism. Also included is the full text of Birch's pamphlet, "Physicians Languishing Under Disease", directed against the movement within Presbyterianism known as the Seceders. This movement was the forerunner of the apolitical development which became influential in later generations. All political movements must try to locate themselves in history. Birch's "Address To The Synod Of Ulster" in 1793, of which a substantial extract is given here, was in tune with the general United Irish orientation. The fact that the familiar landmarks of half a century have been uprooted in this bicentenary year of the formation of the United Irishmen may enable the reader to envisage the historical conceptions of the United Irishmen more easily than they might have done a couple of years ago. Extracts from the "Letter From Saintfield", which Birch contributed to the United Irish paper, "The Northern Star", round out this selection. Publication of this book completes the trilogy of reprints from the writings of the United Irishmen of Antrim and Down. The others are "Scripture Politics" by the Rev. William Steel Dickson, Minister at Portaferry and reputed United Irish General for Co. Down; and "Billy Bluff and The Squire", by James Porter, Minister at Greyabbey, who was hanged in 1798. 112 pp.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 8.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Congo since LumumbaSubtitle: A Story of International PlunderingAuthor: Ngadi, PierrotEditor: Alvey, DaveCategory: GeneralPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2019ISBN: 978-0-85034-139-3Contents: Chapter 1: War of Liberation The Mobutu regime The relationship between the DRC and Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Angola Victory of US and Belgium over France? Chapter 2: The War of Invasion The failure of the Kabila regime The international plot against the DRC Rebel plans The two wars compared Why was the rebellion movement created? Chapter 3: The political factor The creation of the party-state The National Sovereign Conference Role of the CNS 6 8 10 18 25 25 33 35 45 45 48 54 54 59 63 66 69 71 The Rwandan conflict The record of the Mobutu regime’s Chapter 4: The economic factor Description of resources The illegal exploitation of minerals, historically Roger Casement’s role The current illegal extraction of Congolese minerals Chapter 5: The social factor The collapse of Congolese infrastructure Ethnic conflict and poverty outlined as a social factor Chapter 6: Conclusions Added Chapter 7: The Joseph Kabila years Electoral irregularities and continuing strife The 2018 Election APPENDIX The Rwandan Catastrophe by John MartinExtracts: There are no extracts at this timeErrata: There are no errata at this timePrice: 10.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within Britain and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Contention Of The PoetsSubtitle: An essay in Irish intellectual historyAuthor: Minahane, JohnEditor:Category: Gaelic CollectionPublisher: Sanas PressPublished: 2000ISBN: 0 9522582 4 2Contents: This essay is an attempt to throw light on the lives and works of a few outstanding writers in the Irish Language, who were contemporaries of Shakespeare and Cervantes.
Extracts: No extracts at this time.Errata: No errata at this timePrice: 8.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Crime Against EuropeSubtitle:Author: Casement, RogerEditor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: German-Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2003ISBN: 0 85034 101 9Contents: This is the first reprint of Roger Casement's only published book for almost half a century. Its subject is the British foreign policy which brought about the First World War.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 15.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Dublin/Monaghan Bombings 1974Subtitle: A Military AnalysisAuthor: Morgan Lt. Col. (Retd.), JohnEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Belfast Historical & Educational SocietyPublished: 2013ISBN: 978-1-872078-17-4Contents: Despite official enquiries into the Dublin/Monaghan Bombings, no satisfactory answers have ever been found as to who carried them out. Even though these Bombings caused the biggest loss of life of a single operation of the whole Troubles, garda investigations were wound up after three months—with no proper explanation of what had happened; no prosecutions were ever brought.
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Name: The DublinerSubtitle: The Lives, Times And Writings of James Clarence ManganAuthor: Clifford, BrendanEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 1988ISBN: 0 85034 036 5Contents: JAMES CLARENCE MANGAN was the complete Dubliner in prose and verse. He was born and bred in the city, served his literary apprenticeship in its popular Puzzle-books, and published his master-works in its serious magazines and political newspapers. Other famous Dublin writers were mainly published abroad, but Mangan was entirely published at home. Not a single poem or article of his was published in England. And yet Mangan was by far the most cosmopolitan of Dublin writers. Others went abroad and wrote about Dublin, but Mangan stayed at home and wrote about the world. Brendan Clifford reconstructs Mangan's Dublin and shows that Mangan flourished in a hiatus of freedom between two Ascendancies. He was born two years after the Act of Union freed the city from the Protestant Ascendancy, and he died two years before Cardinal Cullen began the work of confining its cultural life within Roman Catholic orthodoxy. The German phase in Irish national development - whose highest products were Mangan and Canon Sheehan - is restored here. There is a section on Mangan's richly exotic life as an Oriental. And his Gaelic aspect - which sometimes merges with the Oriental - is filled out beyond the customary three or four poems. And it is discovered that Mangan was a superb writer of prose in a mode of unacademic literary-philosophic reflection - at least as good as the best English writers of that time, or any time. In short, this book makes one astonished that no selection of Mangan's verse has been published for over eighty years, and that his prose has not seen the light of day for a hundred and forty years. Contains a tribute to Dennis Dennehy. 176 pp.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 12.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Economics Of PartitionSubtitle: A Historical Survey Of Ireland In Terms Of Political EconomyAuthor: Clifford, BrendanEditor:Category: Northern Ireland CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 1992ISBN: 0 85034 074 8Contents: "The Economics Of Partition" is a history of Ireland since the 17th century as seen through the categories of political economy. It evolved amidst the intense turmoil of West Belfast in 1969-72. It went through many editions as a pamphlet, growing with each edition, and made a discernible effect on the turmoil within which it was produced. Though unmistakably a product of nationalist Ireland, its purpose was to demolish the prevailing nationalist view of the Unionist community in Ulster. That view, though expounded by learned academics no less than by demagogic politicians, is shown to be a mere combination of ignorance and prejudice. Having lived a vigorous life as a vulgar pamphlet, "The Economics Of Partition" has now been reduced to respectability as a book. Its battle has been won. Many books now contain ideas which were first developed in it, and usually do so without acknowledging the source. The appearance of this source pamphlet in book form is therefore long overdue. 108 pp. Bibliography. Index.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 8.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Embers Of RevisionismSubtitle: Essays Critiquing Creationist Irish History And Roy Foster On Ken Loach's 'The Wind That Shakes The Barley'Author: Murphy, Dr. Brian P & Meehan, NiallEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2017ISBN: 978-1-8-903497-86-9Contents: Critiquing Creationist Irish History Dr. Niall Meehan Introduction – enter Conor Cruise O’Brien PART I MAKING SPACE FOR REVISIONISM PART II THE SOUTH 2.1 ‘Catholic Bourgeoisie’ 2.2 Southern Economy 2.3 ‘Wonderful Catholics’, ‘Good Little Protestants’ PART III REVISIONISM AND THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE 3.1 Deceived Schoolboys 3.2 Journalists and History 3.3 Left, Right 3.4 Reporting History 3.5 Tales of the RIC 3.6 Academic Tales 3.7 Protestant Views 3.8 Adulterers and Homosexuals 3.9 Kilmichael Interviews 3.10 April Killings 3.11 Ethnic Cleansing Retreat PART IV CONCLUSION THE WIND THAT SHAKES THE BARLEY Historical reflections on Roy Foster’s criticism of Ken Loach’s 2006 film Dr. Brian P. Murphy osb INTRODUCTION HISTORICAL BACKGROUND TO THE FILM THE CROWN FORCES DEMOCRATIC MANDATE AND REFERENCE TO RAQ SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ISSUES SECTARIANISM SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE WRITING OF IRISH HISTORY I Southern Star letters on the West Cork History FestivalExtracts:Errata: There are no errata at this time.Price: 8.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Embers Of RevisionismSubtitle: Essays Critiquing Creationist Irish History And Roy Foster On Ken Loach's 'The Wind That Shakes The Barley'Author: Meehan, Niall & Murphy, Dr. Brian PEditor:Category:Publisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2017ISBN: 978-1-8-903497-86-9Contents: Critiquing Creationist Irish History Dr. Niall Meehan Introduction – enter Conor Cruise O’Brien PART I MAKING SPACE FOR REVISIONISM PART II THE SOUTH 2.1 ‘Catholic Bourgeoisie’ 2.2 Southern Economy 2.3 ‘Wonderful Catholics’, ‘Good Little Protestants’ PART III REVISIONISM AND THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE 3.1 Deceived Schoolboys 3.2 Journalists and History 3.3 Left, Right 3.4 Reporting History 3.5 Tales of the RIC 3.6 Academic Tales 3.7 Protestant Views 3.8 Adulterers and Homosexuals 3.9 Kilmichael Interviews 3.10 April Killings 3.11 Ethnic Cleansing Retreat PART IV CONCLUSION THE WIND THAT SHAKES THE BARLEY Historical reflections on Roy Foster’s criticism of Ken Loach’s 2006 film Dr. Brian P. Murphy osb INTRODUCTION HISTORICAL BACKGROUND TO THE FILM THE CROWN FORCES DEMOCRATIC MANDATE AND REFERENCE TO RAQ SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ISSUES SECTARIANISM SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE WRITING OF IRISH HISTORY I Southern Star letters on the West Cork History FestivalExtracts:Errata: There are no errata at this time.Price: 8.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Events Of 1915Subtitle: In The Ottoman EmpireAuthor: Walsh, PatEditor:Category: GeneralPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2013ISBN: 978-0-85034-126-3Contents: The events that occurred in Eastern Anatolia in 1915 should be located in a broader context than simply that of Turk against Armenian. Both Turks and Armenians were, after all, actors in a much wider drama that was unfolding in the world and any judgement about their actions can only be made with the knowledge that they were caught up in circumstances that were not of their choosing and were largely beyond their control.Extracts: No online extracts available at present.Errata: No online errata available at present.Price: 5.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Events Of 1915 (eBook)Subtitle:Author: Walsh, PatEditor:Category: eBookPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2013ISBN: 978-0-85034-126-3Contents: The events that occurred in Eastern Anatolia in 1915 should be located in a broader context than simply that of Turk against Armenian. Both Turks and Armenians were, after all, actors in a much wider drama that was unfolding in the world and any judgement about their actions can only be made with the knowledge that they were caught up in circumstances that were not of their choosing and were largely beyond their control.Extracts:Errata:Price: 1.50Postage Option: There is no postage charge. This item will be delivered to the email address which is given to PayPalAdd To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Forged "Irish Bulletin"Subtitle: Reproduction of British Government ForgeriesAuthor: Lane, JackEditor: Lane, JackCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2017ISBN: 978 1 903497 86 9Contents: The “Irish Bulletin” was the daily paper of the Irish Government established on the basis of the 1918 General election, the first Dáil Éireann. It was a hugely influential publication and played a crucial role in winning the War of Independence. The highest compliment possible was paid to it by the British Government when it set out to discredit it by forging a run of the paper. It was an audacious and desperate project and is proof of how concerned the Government had become about its effect on political opinion in Britain itself and internationally. This pamphlet is a collection of all the extant copies of the forgery and we are pretty sure that it is the complete run of what was published.Extracts:Errata:Price: 8.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within Britain and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Genesis Of National SocialismSubtitle:Author: Williams, T. DesmondEditor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Belfast Historical And Educational SocietyPublished: 2012ISBN: 978-1-872078-16-8Contents: The Genesis Of National Socialism is the magnum opus of Thomas Desmond Williams. He wrote it as a student at University College Dublin. A few years later he was made Professor of Modern History at UCD. But he never as Professor issued a work comparable for substance and quality with what he had written as a student.
Extracts: No online extracts available at present.Errata: No online errata at present.Price: 25.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Grammar Of Anarchy:Subtitle: Force Or Law—Which?Author: Horgan, J.J.Editor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2006ISBN: 1 874157 15 4Contents: The Grammar Of Anarchy was the final fling of Redmondite Home Rule in the literature of live politics.
Extracts: No further online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 5.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Graves Of KilmornaSubtitle: a story of '67Author: Sheehan, CanonEditor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: Irish ThemesPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2013ISBN: 978-1-903497-78-4Contents: The Graves Of Kilmorna is a novel of the Fenian Rising of 1867 and of the subsequent decline of national life in Ireland under the influence of the Home Rule Party. The central figure of the novel, a Fenian veteran, is killed by a Parliamentary mob for raising Fenian principles at an election meeting.
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Name: The Great Fraud Of 1914-18Subtitle: Electronic versionAuthor: Walsh, PatEditor:Category:Publisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2014ISBN: 978-0-85034-12Contents: See printed versionExtracts: See printed versionErrata:Price: 3.00Postage Option: No postageAdd To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Great War And The Forced Migration Of ArmeniansSubtitle:Author: Cicek, KemalEditor:Category: GeneralPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2011ISBN: 978-085034-123-2Contents: "The study of the history of the Turks and Armenians in World War I has suffered from an excess of unsupported assertion. The Great War and The Forced Migration of Armenians corrects the record with research that considers all sides of the issue and, more important, bases its conclusions on facts rather than ideology.
Extracts: No online extracts available.Errata: No online errata availablePrice: 20.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Great War And The Forced Migration Of ArmeniansSubtitle:Author: Cicek, KemalEditor:Category: GeneralPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2011ISBN: 978-085034-123-2Contents: "The study of the history of the Turks and Armenians in World War I has suffered from an excess of unsupported assertion. The Great War and The Forced Migration of Armenians corrects the record with research that considers all sides of the issue and, more important, bases its conclusions on facts rather than ideology.
Extracts: No online extracts available.Errata: No online errata availablePrice: 20.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Heidegger Review (PDF)Subtitle:Author:Editor: John MinahaneCategory: PeriodicalsPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2014ISBN: ISSN 2055-7779Contents: Please note: no postal charges will be taken for this item. First issue: July 2014.Extracts:Errata:Price: 3.00Postage Option: Price is per issue; there are no postal charges.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Heidegger Review 2, PDFSubtitle: electronic versionAuthor: Minahane, JohnEditor: Minahane, JohnCategory: PeriodicalsPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2015ISBN: 978-0-85034-131-7Contents: - On the Poet-Philosophers of Greece –a Few Notes. Editorial .......... - Se‡n O’Faolain and the Poets John Minahane .......... - Michael Tierney and others, versus Se‡n O’Faol‡in: the Dispute in Studies, September 1938 .......... - Panta Rhei (continued) Niall Cusack .......... - Adventures with Nietzsche (Part 2) Brendan Clifford .......... - Heidegger, the Spiegel and the SS: a very German Civil War Philip O’Connor - On Orthodoxy Peter Brooke .......... - Simone Weil’s Rejection Of The Enlightenment Cathy Winch .......... - Selections from the Philosophical Notebooks, 1931-1932 Martin HeideggerExtracts: 84pp A4Errata:Price: 3.00Postage Option:Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Heidegger Review 3Subtitle: Issue 3Author:Editor: John MinahaneCategory: PeriodicalsPublisher: atholbooks.orgPublished: 2016ISBN: 978-0-85034-133-1Contents: Editorial (One): Some WW1 Philosophers and Poets Editorial (Two): Overlooking Chamberlain. Donatella di Cesare On German Philosophy and Nazism Absolute Beginner: review of "Martin Heidegger - The Philosophy of Another Beginning" by Alexander Dugin (Peter Brooke). Arthur Balfour, England's Philosopher-King. (Brendan Clifford) War and Progress (Pat Walsh) "Towards a Criticism of the Age (1912). Thoughts on Progress" by Walther Rathenau. The Early Poetry of WW1 (John Minahane).Extracts:Errata:Price: 8.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Hidden History Of John RedmondSubtitle: Cover-up or Incompetence?Author: Muldowney, PatEditor:Category:Publisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2018ISBN: 978-0-85034-138-6Contents: Redmondism is a persistent element throughout Irish politics. The picture presented to us is of a thorough-going democrat, a man of peace, almost like Gandhi. Gandhi supported Britain's Great War, didn't he? But there is a great big black hole in the centre of this picture. The elephant in the room is the violence used by Redmond to capture and hold his leading position in Irish politics. The articles reproduced in this pamphlet describe Redmondite mob violence against political opponents, starting with Michael Davitt in 1892.Extracts: There are no extracts at this time.Errata: There are no errata at this timePrice: 5.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Irish Civil WarSubtitle: The Conflict That Formed The StateAuthor: Clifford, BrendanEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 1993ISBN: 0 9521081 00 0Contents: A Speech Given At The Duhallow Heritage Centre On 22nd. April, 1992.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 5.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Irish PressSubtitle: Fianna Fáil and the decline of the Free StateAuthor: Clifford, BrendanEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2007ISBN: 978 1 903497 33 3Contents: The opponents of the Treaty were utterly defeated in 1923 by the forces of the pro-Treaty party. Yet, within four years, the defeated party was equal in electoral support to the pro-Treaty party and formed the Government of the State five years later.
Extracts: No extracts available online at present.Errata: No errata online at present.Price: 12.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Irish Times: Past And PresentSubtitle:Author: Martin, JohnEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Belfast Historical & Educational SocietyPublished: 2008ISBN: 978-1-872078-13-7Contents: …a very fine journalist, an excellent man, but on Northern questions a renegade or white nigger".
Extracts: No extra online material at present.Errata: No online errata at present.Price: 17.50Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Labour Opposition Of Northern IrelandSubtitle:Author:Editor: Keenan, JoeCategory: Northern Ireland CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 1991ISBN: 0 85034 054 3Contents: The 17 issues of "The Labour Opposition of Northern Ireland", reproduced here for the first time, originally appeared between March 1925 and June 1926. Published by the North Belfast Branch of the Independent Labour Party, it sought to define the terms of engagement for conflict between the newly-formed Northern Ireland Labour Party and the Unionist Government of the newly created state of Northern Ireland. The range of issues covered is vast?unemployment and the operation of the Poor Law, Women's Rights, municipal affairs, the state of industry and agriculture, the need for nationalisation, parliamentary and council reports, the proceeding organisation and affairs of the NILP, and much more; all the theory and practice of Socialism is here. And all said, as the editor, Hugh Gemmell, insisted it should be, with a kick! Every significant name in the history of the Belfast Labour Movement in the first half of the century is to be found arguing and declaiming in these pages: Harry Midgley, Sam Kyle, Ida Boyd, Bob M'Clung, Tommy Geehan, the inimitable "Slumdom Jack" McMullan, and many others. Joe Keenan's introduction sets The Labour Opposition in the context of its inevitable failure. Having been generated as part of the British Labour movement, and having contemplated the prospect of functioning in Home Rule Ireland, it suddenly found itself within the novel Constitutional and political entity called "Northern Ireland"—an unanticipated form of state, without tradition to sustain it or clear perspective to guide it. The Labour Opposition displayed great vigour and spirit in its efforts to cope with this new confusion of circumstances. But, in the end, circumstances got the better of it. Circumstances have changed a little. And some of us may feel we are a bit wiser than they were. But what those socialists who produced The Labour Opposition had in abundance—the vigour, the spirit, the belief in socialist possibility—is sadly lacking in the smarter but more cynical attitude of the present day. The Labour Opposition of the twenties failed in the most glorious spirit. It failed with a kick, and this record of its failing remains to kick-start the Labour Opposition of today. 212 pp. Illustrated. Index.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 15.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Life And Death Of Mikie DineenSubtitle:Author: Lane, JackEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2002ISBN:Contents:Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 5.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Life And Poems Of Thomas MooreSubtitle:Author: Clifford, BrendanEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 1993ISBN: 0 85034 032 2Contents: Thomas Moore, who wrote "The Minstrel Boy", "The Last Rose of Summer", etc., etc., is a name without associations in present day Ireland. The songs are familiar but the man is unknown. One expects to find him an inoffensive, pious, sentimental, uninteresting person, with a knack for putting words to tunes. The truth is surprising. The first Catholic admitted to Trinity College, the close friend of Robert Emmet, contributor to the United Irish newspaper, he achieved literary fame in England without sacrifice of integrity. He achieved fame through the "Melodies", notoriety through his erotic verse, and English literary immortality through his association with and biography of Byron. The "Edinburgh Review" denounced him as a menace to the moral fibre of Britain. At the height of his English fame he wrote a defence of agrarian terrorism in Ireland. He was the first modern Irish historian - and remains one of the best, though his writings are now unknown. He opposed the resurgence of intolerant Catholicism and refused to endorse O'Connell's Catholic nationalism. His nation was that envisaged by the United Irishmen. He had no time for O'Connell's nation - and O'Connell's nation has had no time for him. But the direction of development in Ireland has changed recently. And there is no major literary figure of the past who is so much in tune with the new spirit as Moore. This volume consists of a biography and a cross-section of the poems: patriotic, sentimental, erotic, philosophical - and readable. 2nd edition with 2 new appendices. 96 pp.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 8.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Men I KilledSubtitle:Author: Crozier, General F.P.Editor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2002ISBN: 0 58034 085 3Contents: What made Brigadier General Frank Crozier from training the Ulster Volunteer Force in 1912-1914 and comanding the Black and Tan Irish 'policing' operation in 1920-1921 to a pugnacious pacifism in the 1920s and 1930s? That is a question not asked very often in these days of cultivated 'revisionist' amnesia. Coming from an Anglo-Irish military tradition, Crozier fought for King and Empire in the Boer War, in Africa, in Ulster, and in France during the Great War. He was knocked out of his groove?not because he was a sensitive soul, but because his Black and Tans were killing, looting, and generally terrorising Ireland with the approval of his political masters, who thwarted his attempts to discipline the forces under his command. These policies culminated in the burning down of the centre of Cork City (including the Carnegie Library) and an attempt to shift the blame for this atrocity onto the IRA. Crozier was appalled. He saw that this was not the way to hold Ireland but the way to lose it. He resigned his command in protest and sacrificed his military pension. In 1932 when the conflict over De Valera's repudiation of the 1921 Treaty began, he published an account of the Black and Tan war, hoping to improve Britain's conduct by reminding it of its misconduct, and thus to salvage something of the Irish-British connection. In the 1930s he was active in the Peace Pledge Union in Britain, along with people like George Lansbury, the Labour leader, and the Rev. Dick Sheppard. He understood the talk about "defence" to be preparation for another Great War, which he thought would be a disaster. Britain was still 'the' Great Power in those days and he urged it to use its power in another way. And perhaps his views have again become relevant in the present condition of the world. A feature of Crozier's pugnacious pacifism was his very readable autobiographical description of the brutal methods by which wars are won. The book contains selections from four of his books: "Impressions And Recollections", "A Brass Hat In No Man's Land", "Ireland For Ever", and "The Men I Killed".Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 11.50Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Moral Collapse Of The British Liberal Party Press In 1914Subtitle:Author:Editor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: GeneralPublisher: Athol BooksPublished:ISBN:Contents: Problems of Capitalism & Socialism, No. 58Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 1.50Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Moral Collapse Of The British Liberal Party Press in August 1914Subtitle: With an Introduction by Brendan CliffordAuthor:Editor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: GeneralPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2018ISBN: 978-0-85034-137-9Contents: Articles from Manchester Guardian July 30th 1914 to October 1914 Articles from Daily News July 27th 1914 to September 21st 1914Extracts:Errata:Price: 5.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Nation: Volume OneSubtitle: Selections 1842-1844Author:Editor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2000ISBN: 1 903497 02 7Contents: Contents include Young Ieland, Daniel O'Connell, Monster Meetings, State Trials, A New Culture. Introduction by Brendan Clifford. 152.pp IndexExtracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 12.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The O'Neill YearsSubtitle: Unionist Politics, 1963-1969Author: Gordon, DavidEditor:Category: Northern Ireland CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 1989ISBN: 0 85034 039 XContents: Terence O'Neill's tenure as Prime Minister of Northern Ireland witnessed the first major split in the history of Ulster Unionism, and the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. Despite the importance of this crucial period, David Gordon's pioneering analysis is the first comprehensive examination of O'Neillism and its legacy. The O'Neill Years covers the period from 1963, when Terence O'Neill replaced Lord Brookeborough as Northern Ireland Premier, and ends with O'Neill's resignation just a few months before the arrival of troops on the streets of Belfast in August 1969. David Gordon reassesses O'Neill's role in Unionist politics in the 1960s, and concludes that Captain O'Neill's leadership was primarily responsible for the disintegration of Ulster Unionism at the end of the decade. David Gordon's seminal work presents a major challenge to traditional interpretations of modern Irish history and politics. 168 pp.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 11.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Origin And Development Of The Parish Of MillstreetSubtitle:Author: Tucker, Fr. SeanEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2008ISBN: 9781 9034976 44 9Contents: In this booklet, Fr. Seán Tucker traces the history of Millstreet Parish across nearly a thousand years. It is the first such record of the Parish. It is based on detailed analyses of church records using many primary sources and is the result of a long-term interest in the area by Father Tucker - truly a labour of love.
Extracts: No online extracts at present.Errata: No online errata at present.Price: 8.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Origin of Irish Catholic-NationalismSubtitle:Author: Clifford, BrendanEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 1992ISBN: 0 85034 053 5Contents: Modern nationalist Ireland—Catholic-nationalist Ireland—has its imaginative source in Walter Cox's "Irish Magazine". Before Cox it was inconceivable. After Cox it was inevitable. Walter Cox was the most daring, innovative and realistic spirit among the Dublin United Irish leaders during the years leading up to the Rebellion. After a period in exile, he returned to Dublin to keep alive the memory of the United Irishmen with his Magazine. And by an act of genius he combined elements not previously found together—Catholicism, Republicanism, nationalism and social radicalism—and made the combination live in the minds of the people of Dublin in the first instance. And gradually that combination took root in all those parts of Ireland which had been Gaelic or Catholic. Cox is the sole point of substantial continuity between the United Irishmen and the Irish nationalist movement of the 19th and 20th centuries. Yet he has been deleted from history by the historians of tis nationalist movement which claims to have originated in the United Irishmen. He has been remembered into the 20th century only as a Dublin folk-hero. Cox has been marginalised because propagandist historians have preferred to put a gloss of liberalism on Catholic-nationalism, even though, at every critical juncture since 1808, development has been determined by Catholic-nationalism. In this selection from the eight years of the Magazine, the reader can see the mind of a new nation being formed in the post-Union vacuum in which the Ascendancy, having lost its Parliamentary power-base through the Act of Union, continues to aggravate the people, though it can no longer suppress them. Brendan Clifford argues that Daniel O'Connell was only the demagogue of the national movement conceived and launched by Cox. This clarification of the origins of Catholic-nationalism appears at an opportune moment, that movement being in severe crisis and possibly approaching the end of its natural life. 136 pp. Illustrated. Index.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 11.50Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Origins & Organisation of British Propaganda in Ireland, 1920Subtitle:Author: Murphy, Dr. Brian P (osb)Editor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2006ISBN: 1 903497 24 8Contents: On 22 May 1920, the Irish Statesman, the journal associated with Sir Horace Plunkett and George Russell, declared that "…this is a time for plain speaking and we shall speak plainly. The propaganda supplied to the British Press from Dublin Castle is a propaganda of lies. The version of the state of Ireland based upon this propaganda which the Coalition's kept Press serves up to the British people is lies."
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Name: The Pearson Executions In Co. OffalySubtitle: a debate on alleged sectarianism during the War of IndependenceAuthor: Muldowney, PatEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2007ISBN: 9 781903 497326Contents: Readers of our literature will be aware of our efforts to counter the revisionist writing and commentary on our history.
Extracts: No extracts available at this time.Errata: No errata at this time.Price: 6.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Poems of Geoffrey O'DonoghueSubtitle: with Ireland's War Poets 1641-1653 by John MinahaneAuthor: O'Donoghue, GeoffreyEditor: Minahane, JohnCategory: Gaelic CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2008ISBN: 978-1-903-497-49-4Contents: Séafraidh Ó Donnachadha an Ghleanna, or Geoffrey O'Donoghue of Glenflesk, wa a lively, witty and robust poet of 17th. century Kerry. This is the first collection of his work since Patrick Dinneen's pioneering edition of 1902. The Irish text is accompanied by an English translation, which tries to point to the poetry in the original (Introduction). Included also are poems doubtfully attributed to Geoffrey but interesting in their own right, and some poems relating to the Cromwellian War in which he fought.
Extracts: No online extracts at this time.Errata: No online erratta at this time.Price: 20.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Rescue of Princess Clementina (Stuart)Subtitle: A 1719 Adventure of the Irish BrigadesAuthor: Wogan, Sir CharlesEditor: Winch, CathyCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Belfast Historical & Educational SocietyPublished: 2008ISBN: 978-1-872078-12-0Contents: Charles Wogan (1685?-1754) was a member of an important Catholic family in Rathcoffey near Dublin, who spent most of his life in exile in France and Spain. A deeply sympathetic character, twice in his life he had occasion to defeat measures taken by George the First, King of England. First he led an escape from Newgate gaol where he was awaiting trial for treason for his part in the rising of 1715; three years later he arranged the escape of a princess arrested on the orders of King George.
Extracts: There is no extra online material at present.Errata: There is no online errata at present.Price: 15.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Revision Of European HistorySubtitle:Author: Fennell, DesmondEditor:Category: GeneralPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2003ISBN: 0 85034 104 3Contents: In this conversational book Desmond Fennell provides three things in one: * a critique of the standard History of Europe as found in textbooks and works of reference, on the grounds that it is distorted by 'imprecise designation' and 'victors' history—and does not make sense for Europeans in the twenty-first century; * a manual which enables readers of the 'standard history', wherever encountered, to note the main distortions and make appropriate mental corrections; * an outlined 'new history of Europe' which would be 'true and clear' and make sense for Europeans living in the twenty-first century (see page 79).Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: Page 18, start of page, insert 'neglect of Plato. 3 Apart from'.Price: 10.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Rise And Fall Of Imperial IrelandSubtitle: Redmondism in the context of Britain's Conquest of South Africa and its Great War on Germany, 1899-1916Author: Walsh, PatEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2003ISBN: 0 85034 105 1Contents: Why did Ireland fail to become a partner to Britain in its Empire—like Canada, Australia or conquered South Africa and instead embrace an anti-Imperialist point of view?
Name: The Road to Independence: Howth, Sutton and Baldoyle Play Their PartSubtitle: A microcosm of Irish history 1900-1924Author: O'Connor, PhilipEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Howth Free PressPublished: 2016ISBN:Contents: This book tells the dramatic story of the Independence movement in Howth, Sutton and Baldoyle, from the pre-World War Irish Party, Land League, GAA and Gaelic League, to local involvement in the “Great War” that revolutionised Ireland, in the Easter Rising, the Citizen Army, Cumann na mBan and the Irish Volunteers (IRA), and in the great democratic movement for Independence from 1918 to 1922. It also tells the story of the Howth Unionist community, which was as varied in its composition as it was in its reactions to these events, as well as the dramatic impact on the area of the Civil War that followed the 1921 Treaty.Extracts: There are no extracts at this time.Errata: There are no errata at this time.Price: 0.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within Britain and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Road to Independence: Howth, Sutton and Baldoyle Play Their PartSubtitle: A microcosm of Irish history 1900-1924Author: O'Connor, PhilipEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Howth Free PressPublished: 2016ISBN: 978-0-9553163-3-3Contents: This book tells the dramatic story of the Independence movement in Howth, Sutton and Baldoyle, from the pre-World War Irish Party, Land League, GAA and Gaelic League, to local involvement in the “Great War” that revolutionised Ireland, in the Easter Rising, the Citizen Army, Cumann na mBan and the Irish Volunteers (IRA), and in the great democratic movement for Independence from 1918 to 1922. It also tells the story of the Howth Unionist community, which was as varied in its composition as it was in its reactions to these events, as well as the dramatic impact on the area of the Civil War that followed the 1921 Treaty.Extracts: There are no extracts at this time.Errata: There are no errata at this time.Price: 15.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within Britain and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Shakespeare ConspiraciesSubtitle: Untangling A 400-Year Web Of Myth And DeceitAuthor: McClinton, BrianEditor:Category: GeneralPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2007ISBN: 978 1 903497 36 4Contents: To question the identity of the universal cultural icon known as Shakespeare might be seen as placing the sceptic in the loonier department of the conspiracy market. Yet this very challenge is now refreshingly renewed for a new generation of readers by Brian McClinton. Many in the past have doubted the orthodox claimant. Included among the doubters are Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Sigmund Freud, Henry James and Enoch Powell.
Extracts: No extracts available at this time.Errata: No ettata available at this time.Price: 30.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The so-called 'Treaty' and the so-called 'Civil War'Subtitle:Author: Lane, JackEditor:Category:Publisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2019ISBN: 978-1-903497890Contents: Very soon we will have commemorations of the ‘Treaty,’ so-called, a document that was signed on 6 December 1921 and the ‘Civil War,’ so-called, that was launched in June 1922. This pamphlet establishes that there was no Treaty signed and the war that was launched in 1922 was one of Republicans against Republicans and it could not therefore have been a civil war if words have any meaning. A civil war in these circumstances is oxymoronic. It was a war over what was signed in London in defiance of what the Cabinet had unanimously agreed three days earlier. What was signed was ‘Articles of Agreement for a Treaty’ but the Treaty referred never came into existence. How and why this happened is examined here. If a Treaty had been signed between the existing Irish Republic and the British Government there would not have been any war between Republicans as any Treaty worthy of the name is made freely between independent states. But the ‘Articles of Agreement,’ under the threat of ‘immediate and terrible war,’ entailed the abolition of the Dáil and the Irish Republic that had been voted and fought for. This is what made the so-called civil war inevitable.Extracts: There are no extracts at this time.Errata: There are no errata at this time.Price: 3.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within Britain and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
Name: The Starvation Blockade On Germany In The Great WarSubtitle: A Summary by Angela CliffordAuthor: Clifford, AngelaEditor:Category:Publisher: Belfast Historical & Educational SocietyPublished: 2022ISBN: 978-1-872078-37-3Contents: A Summary by Angela Clifford of Two Definitive Works by Eamon Dyas, Blockading The Germans and Starving The GermansExtracts:Errata:Price: 5.50Postage Option: Free to UK and IrelandAdd To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The TUC and Social Partnership: The Way ForwardSubtitle: An Interview with Frances O'GradyAuthor: Langhammer, MarkEditor: Langhammer, Mark and Winch, ChrisCategory:Publisher: Bevin BooksPublished: 2015ISBN: 978-1-874463-57-3Contents: A new policy for the Trade Union movementExtracts: There are no extracts at this time.Errata: There are no errata at this time.Price: 5.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: The Veto ControversySubtitle:Author: Clifford, BrendanEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 1985ISBN: 0 85034 030 6Contents: This book consists of materials produced in the course of a fierce and prolonged dispute within Catholicism in Ireland concerning the mode of appointment of Bishops. The outcome was that for a century and a half Irish Bishops have been directly appointed by Rome. This was not the usual mode of appointment in Catholic countries. It made Ireland the only country, where the Church was a major social influence, in which the state had no say in the appointment of powerful spiritual princes who wielded extensive temporal authority. The triumph of anti-Vetoism gave Rome the lever by use of which it transformed the Irish Church in its own image at the moment when the modern nationalist movement was beginning. And that transformation had a profound effect on the nationalism. Included is the pamphlet by which Thomas Moore, the author of Moore's Melodies, attempted to convince the Catholics of Dublin that a Government Veto on the appointment of Bishops was necessary to the preservation of national life in the Irish Church. The "find" of the book is the Rev. Charles O'Conor, a forgotten Catholic priest whose Vetoist books make him, in the opinion of the compiler, the best Irish historian?and also something of a prophet. Here is the pre-history of modern, Catholic-nationalist Ireland: which is of considerable relevance now that nationalist Ireland is striving for a more liberal mode of development. 203 pp.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 15.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: Thomas DavisSubtitle:Author: Duffy, Charles GavanEditor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2000ISBN: 1 903497 01 9Contents: Reprint of classic biography of 1890; with extract from Duffy's autobiography. Introduction by Brendan Clifford. 268 pp. Index.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 20.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: Thomas Russell And BelfastSubtitle:Author: Clifford, BrendanEditor:Category: United Irish CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 1997ISBN: 0 85034 080 2Contents: This book constructs a history of Belfast from its foundation to the 1790s, as the setting for a biography of the remarkable outsider who played a leading part in its affairs during the United Irish decade. Thomas Russell, "The Man From God-Knows-Where", was vividly remembered in Belfast until the middle of the 19th century. The onset of the religious-nationalist conflict, which has preoccupied the city ever since that time, caused him to be forgotten, because he did not fit the categories of either side. And that is a very good reason why he should now be rediscovered. Brendan Clifford bring the Belfast of the 1790s alive by use of the columns of the "Northern Star", and by use of Russell's public and private writings—including his hitherto unpublished Jotters. It includes Russell's "Letter To The People Of Ireland" (1796), and parts of his "Lion Of Old England" satire, from the United Irish paper the Northern Star. This Second Edition, revised and extended, includes previously unpublished material from the Correspondence between William Drennan, who is sometimes described as the founder of the United Irishmen, and his sister, Martha M'Tier, concerning the consequences of Russell's participation in Robert Emmett's Rebellion; and also a Gaelic Elegy, published in Belfast, on Russell's earliest colleague there, Dr. James MacDonnell of the Glens. 124 pp. Illustrated. Index.Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 10.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: Ton de CoroSubtitle: From the civil war in Catalonia to Mauthausen Concentration Camp in AustriaAuthor:Editor: Keenan, JoeCategory: Spanish Civil War CollectionPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2011ISBN: 978-1-872078-15-1Contents: At the heart of this pamphlet are the stories of two heroic Catalan soldiers who fought to defend Spanish democracy at the end of the 1930s.
Extracts: There are no online extracts at this time.Errata: There are no online errata at this time.Price: 5.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: Traitor-Patriots In The Great WarSubtitle: Casement And MasarykAuthor:Editor: Clifford, BrendanCategory: GeneralPublisher: Belfast Historical & Educational SocietyPublished: 2004ISBN: 1 874157 10 3Contents:Extracts: No extra online material at this time.Errata: No errata available at this time.Price: 5.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: Troubled HistorySubtitle: A tenth anniversary critique of Peter Hart's The IRA and its Enemies (1998)Author: Murphy, Dr. Brian P & Meehan, NiallEditor:Category: Irish CollectionPublisher: Aubane Historical SocietyPublished: 2008ISBN: 978-1-903497–46-3Contents: Niall Meehan examines Peter Hart's arguments in the context of political pressures in Irish society affecting the writing of Irish history. In particular, he looks at the effect of violence in Northern Ireland post 1968. The threat of violence was used to inhibit intellectual inquiry in Southern Ireland. State censorship, perfected by Dr Conor Cruise O'Brien while a minister from 1973-1977, was accompanied by attacks on print media, on dissenting academics and on civil liberties. This, argues Meehan, helped to stabilise a new orthodoxy that privileged reframing the earlier Irish Troubles of 1916-21 as a religious or ethnic conflict. Within this new framework Peter Hart's research emerged and was uncritically applauded in 1998.
Extracts: There are no online extracts available at present.Errata: There are no errata at present.Price: 8.00Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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Name: Twisted Law versus Documented HistorySubtitle: Geoffrey Robertson's opinion on genocide against proven factsAuthor: Aya, ServerEditor:Category: GeneralPublisher: Athol BooksPublished: 2013ISBN: 978-0-085034-127-2Contents: A new book by Mr Sükrü Server Aya. "Mr. Aya is a lively controversialist as well as being an indefatigable researcher with a rare knowledge of original documents. I have enjoyed this book and have been impressed by it, as I had enjoyed his earlier polemics with purveyors of Armenian nationalist propaganda." Dr. Andrew MangoExtracts: There are no extracts at this time.Errata: There are no errata at this time.Price: 9.00Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.Add To Cart:View Cart: |
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